A new effort by the EU Tax Observatory to inform the global debate around international tax evasion and avoidance. It offers up-to-date information about the dynamic of profit shifting by multinational companies and offshore wealth.
Offshore Data Leaks and Administrative Data in Developing Countries, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Notes Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2024 (with Matt Collin, Tatiana Flores, Thiago Scot & Luy Hao)
Administrative Data and Methodologies for Tax Policy, International Growth Center Synthesis Paper, 2023. (with Anders Jensen)
Strengthening Personal Income Taxation in Senegal - Case Study, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Notes Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2023 (with Leo Czajka, Aissatou Diallo, Justine Knebelmann & Anaelle Toure)
Taxes, Transfers, and Subsidies: Improving Progressivity and Reducing the Cost to the Poor, Chapter 5 of Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report (PSPR) 2022. (with Mariano Sosa & Matt Wai-Poi)
Responses of Firms to Taxation and the Link to Informality: Evidence from India’s GST, Chapter 4 in Hidden Potential: Rethinking Informality in South Asia, 2022. (with Davi Bhering, Lucie Gadenne & Radhika Kaul)
Tax Policy Options for Increasing Revenue in North Macedonia Public Finance Review, 2018 (with Dinar Prihardini)
As part of the World Bank's effort to provide advice on the impact of COVID on firms, together with my colleague Anne Brockmeyer, we wrote a series of country specific notes on how COVID impacts formal firms using administrative tax data.
See the Blog post summary here.
Country Specific Notes: Albania, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Montenegro, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda
A new effort by the EU Tax Observatory to inform the global debate around international tax evasion and avoidance. It offers up-to-date information about the dynamic of profit shifting by multinational companies and offshore wealth.
Offshore Data Leaks and Administrative Data in Developing Countries, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Notes Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2024 (with Matt Collin, Tatiana Flores, Thiago Scot & Luy Hao)
Administrative Data and Methodologies for Tax Policy, International Growth Center Synthesis Paper, 2023. (with Anders Jensen)
Strengthening Personal Income Taxation in Senegal - Case Study, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Notes Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2023 (with Leo Czajka, Aissatou Diallo, Justine Knebelmann & Anaelle Toure)
Taxes, Transfers, and Subsidies: Improving Progressivity and Reducing the Cost to the Poor, Chapter 5 of Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report (PSPR) 2022. (with Mariano Sosa & Matt Wai-Poi)
Responses of Firms to Taxation and the Link to Informality: Evidence from India’s GST, Chapter 4 in Hidden Potential: Rethinking Informality in South Asia, 2022. (with Davi Bhering, Lucie Gadenne & Radhika Kaul)
Tax Policy Options for Increasing Revenue in North Macedonia Public Finance Review, 2018 (with Dinar Prihardini)
As part of the World Bank's effort to provide advice on the impact of COVID on firms, together with my colleague Anne Brockmeyer, we wrote a series of country specific notes on how COVID impacts formal firms using administrative tax data.
See the Blog post summary here.
Country Specific Notes: Albania, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Montenegro, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda