I am an Economist with the World Bank Development Research Group (DECRG) and a Senior Economist at the EU Tax Observatory. I previously was an Assistant Professor at the ESSEC-Business School in Paris. My research interests lie in public economics, especially the design of taxes and transfers, international taxation, and financial Inclusion. My CV is here Here are recent slides on Tax Equity summarizing my work and that of many others, and a slightly older video presentation of my research. For more work on public finance using micro-data from the World Bank visit our website DATAX. Interested in international taxation, tax avoidance & evasion? Our Website "ATLAS of the OFFSHORE WORLD" has the most up to date data on the topic, part of EU Tax Observatory --------LATEST ACADEMIC AND POLICY PAPERS ---------------------- Capital Taxation, Development, and Globalization: Evidence from a Macro-Historical Database with Matt Fischer-Post, Anders Jensen & Gabriel Zucman. May 2024 [Note: This paper previously circulated under the title "Globalization and Factor Income Taxation] The Impact of COVID-19 on Formal Firms: Lessons from Administrative Tax Data with Anne Brockmeyer, Pablo Garriga & Camille Semelet Accepted, Journal of Development Economics, March 2024 The Equity of Tax Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries, with Lucie Gadenne & Anders Jensen. Journal of Economic Perspectives, February 2024 |